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  1. To all a happy Festivus
  1. Trick or Treat
  1. Trick or Treat
  1. Tricks are for hookers
  1. True crime
  1. Turns out you're a lot smarter than you look
  1. Until death do you part. Wow that's a really long time
  1. Upgraded to MILF
  1. Very Vanilla
  1. Wax Melts
  1. We have the perfect Father Daughter relationship
  1. We will always be BFF
  1. We'll be friends until we're old and senile
  1. Welcome to the neighborhood
  1. What do santa & my wife have in common? They both only come once a year
  1. What's that stench it's fantastic
  1. What's that stench? It's Fantastic
  1. What, like it's hard?
  1. When this is lit it's time to lick my clit
  1. Will you be my Valentine?
  1. Will you be my Valentine?
  1. Will you be my valentine? Marriage edition
  1. Witch better have my candy
  1. Without me, today would just be another day. You're welcome!